
Estimate of Giving Form(s): Click here to submit your Estimate of Giving Form or visit our Stewardship page.
Donation of Stock: You can donate stocks via the Colorado Episcopal Foundation web page, Print out the gift instructions, designate St Brigit Episcopal Church in Frederick as the receiving institution, and add any specific instructions on the purpose line, i.e. 2025 pledge. Send the form to [email protected], your stock broker, and to [email protected].
Collection plate Cash or Check: When you worship with us, feel free to contribute during our service as the offertory hymn is played, baskets will be passed. Offertory collections from the first Sunday of each month will be contributed to St. Brigit’s projects to serve the poor. Checks: Please make checks out to St. Brigit Episcopal Church and include memo if donation is for a specific ministry, pledge, etc.
By Mail. Our postal address: St. Brigit Episcopal Church, 110 Johnson Street, Frederick, CO 80530
We use funds for church operations — and for outreach opportunities in the Tri Town area, the county, and state. Be assured that we are as responsible with your money as you are, and we take our own stewardship very seriously.