Our Mission Statement:
A welcoming community where God’s love transforms lives through worship and service to others.

What do we look like?
We have babies, grandmas, and everything in between. We are old and young, rich and poor, democrat and republican, gay and straight, sinners and saints who all come together to form a community of faith through the unifying peace of Jesus Christ. We don’t always agree with one another on every issue, but we agree to love one another and care well for one another even when we disagree. We currently have about 45 families, and if everyone attended worship at the same time we would be about 110! No matter how different you think you might be, we think you will find a place among us and we will do our best to welcome you here. We aren’t pretentious or fancy, so come as you are! In a suit (bunny or business), jeans, dresses (princess ones preferred), and shorts (some parishioners wear them all year) or whatever makes you comfortable!
Where are we?
We are all in a different place in life but we come together at 110 Johnson Street, Frederick, CO. Click here for directions.
Why St. Brigit?
St. Brigit of Kildare was a celtic saint from the 6th century who focused her life in service to the poor around her. St. Brigit Episcopal Church chose to be named for her because it was established with a focus on serving the community and we like Beer! (see the St. Brigit page for that story)
Enjoy Sunday Services in person, or live streaming on Zoom. If you can’t make it at 9:30, visit our YouTube Chanel and watch the service anytime! We have Sunday school for the tots grades K-5 and Youth Group, called Lightsiderz, for the young adults grades 6-12. We are Episcopalian and our services follow The Liturgical Calendar.
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Click for Zoom link or YouTube channel.