720-208-0280 [email protected]

Get Involved

There are many ways to serve and get involved. Below are the current ministries we have at St. Brigit. You may want to join one of the existing ministries or share your passion and create a new way for you and others to serve St. Brigit and the broader community in which we live.

Adult and Youth acolytes assist the clergy during worship services by lighting candles, carrying the cross during the procession, and helping the clergy set the table. 

Altar Guild
A quiet and behind the scenes ministry, the Altar Guild members prepare the bread and wine for each worship service. They also prepare for the special services such as weddings, funerals, and baptisms. Other duties include cleaning the vessels and laundering the linens.

Chalice Minister
Administering the cup of wine during communion requires one to be a confirmed Episcopalian. A short training class is required.

Celtic Fest Brigit
Festival planning and administrative help.

Do you enjoy singing or making a joyful noise? Then the St. Brigit choir might be for you. The choir practices every Thursday night at 7:00 pm during the school year, with a break for summer.

Coffee Hour Host
Coffee Hour hosts provide hospitality by bringing snacks to share with others following Sunday morning worship. Currently Coffee host is also asked to wear gloves and serve the coffee so that the amount of people touching the urn is reduced.

Counters for Offering
On Sunday morning after service the counters maintain and record the offering. Must be at least 18 years old.

Eucharistic  Ministers/Visitors
Members of the congregation who take communion to those people who are unable to attend Sunday morning worship.  Training is held periodically throughout the diocese to participate in this ministry.

Finance and Stewardship
This group meets with the treasurer and works on stewardship and budget planning.

Adult Formation
This group creates spiritual enlightenment events including book groups, international webinars, and Christian movie nights which bring people together and promote lively discussions.

Youth formation/Sunday School Teacher
These members have a passion for working with children and want to help them grow in the knowledge and love of God. All regular Sunday School Teachers are required to take the course, Safeguarding God’s Children. Your help in this very important ministry will support the children as they grow closer to God and one another.

Sunday School Coordinator: Chooses, prepares, and provides lessons for the Sunday School teacher at least one week in advance. Sends weekly emails to parents to prep for following Sunday. Coordinates volunteer teachers for every third & fifth Sunday and through the summer.

Sunday School Teacher: Executes the lesson provided by the Sunday School Coordinator utilizing creative and engaging techniques. Works with Coordinator to distribute lessons to volunteers. Ann Cooper

Greeter/Usher/Zoom Usher
These members provide hospitality to the visitors to St. Brigit’s. Greeters are on the lookout for those that are new to insure they feel welcomed and at home. They pass out bulletins, oversee the offering collection and counting, and record how many people are in attendance at each worship service. While we are recoding services this ministry is looking for a Zoom host to help record and greet in the zoom platform.

Healing Prayer
The members of the healing prayer team offer healing prayer on Sunday morning during communion. Training is available for those who feel called to this ministry.

Caretaking seven and one-half acres of property is more than a full time job. If you delight in gardening or working outside we would welcome your help. Please contact the Property Warden and they will welcome you with open arms.

Lectors read the scriptures from the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament during worship services.

Alternative music group besides the choir or our in-house piano player, Darin Manica.

This group helps with the needs of the community, as well as with Brigit’s bounty and Brigit’s village planning. Activities can include backpack donation drives, Christmas family help and more.

This team plans emergency plans, helps with the local FEMA and organizations and puts in place large scale contingency plans for festivals.

Social Media
This team maintains and manages the St Brigit website, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts. They keep the online community up to date on all St. Brigit events.

Sound System
This team runs the sound system board that controls the microphone and speakers for Sunday services.

Technology Club

Being a part of this ministry involves welcoming newcomers to our church with a loaf of homemade honey whole wheat bread.

The Worship Team meets to create and evaluate liturgy. They anticipate high holy days and what is correspondingly going on in the world. With these both in mind they create and plan meaningful and enriching worship to include and engage all who attend.

If you are interested in serving in any of the described ministries above please send an e-mail to [email protected].