720-208-0280 [email protected]

Sunday Services

Enjoy Sunday Services in person or live streaming on Zoom!
If you can’t make it on Sunday at 9:30, visit our YouTube Chanel and watch the service anytime!
ATTENTION ZOOMERS: The congregation email for the Service will be sent out on Sunday mornings at 8:00am. To get on the mailing list email: [email protected] with your name and email address.

Brigit's Village Is Finally a Reality!!

Brigit’s Village is finally becoming a reality after 10 years of tireless and difficult planning. Construction is underway and will hopefully be completed by late summer 2025. For more information please visit brigitsvillage.org.

This really is a special moment in the life of the church, and down the road, we will have many conversations as to how we, as the St. Brigit community, can support and welcome Brigit’s Village employees and residents that will eventually be headed our way!
-Jeff Nieusma

Would you like to financially support Brigit’s Bounty?
Scan the QR code below or go to the Brigit’s Bounty website (https://brigitsbounty.org/donate/).
We could really use your financial support to keep Brigit’s Bounty going!


Please join us for a Potluck Parish Picnic on Sunday, August 25th, following the Sunday Service, from 11:30 to 2:00.  This will be an opportunity for all of us to gather together and welcome all our Newcomers this year!

Bring your favorite dish to share – salad/appetizer, main dish, or dessert!  We will supply lemonade, ice tea and plates, cups, napkins, and plastic silverware. We will also have fun games for all ages.

For more information

For more information: contact Peg Nelson, Laura Lewis or send an email.

The Financial Stewardship and Vision Team (FSV) survey question for July/August is “How can we make Sunday mornings better?”  This question is open to any of your ideas about what we can do at St. Brigit’s to make the Sunday experience more meaningful to everyone. It applies to the Sunday Service as well as anything outside of the Service. We want to hear from all six generations represented at St. Brigit. Please write your response on the posters on the Sanctuary wall, or send us an email at [email protected].

For reference:   Silent Generation (b.1928-1945) , Boomer Generation (b.1946-1964) , Gen X Generation (b.1965-1980) ,  Millennials Generation (b.1981-1996), Gen Z Generation (b.1997-2012) , Gen Alpha Generation (b.2013- today)


4th Tuesday of each month, 9am to 4pm

By appointment only
Click on feet for more information

Celtic Conversations

Celtic Conversations meets via Zoom on Wednesday mornings, from 9:15 am to 10:00 am. Everyone is invited to join the conversations. You can attend every Wednesday, or, any Wednesday you are able. The Zoom connection is always the same.

We will be using the Eata Series of Celtic Daily Readings found in the Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2. We can provide you with a free copy of the book.
For further information please contact Nancy Trubee, [email protected]or Rick Hess, [email protected] .

The 10th Annual Carbon Valley Help Center Empty Bowls Fundraiser

The 10th Annual Carbon Valley Help Center Empty Bowls Fundraiser is back!
Saturday, November 2nd at Frederick High School from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

St. Brigit helps out by hosting Bowl Painting Parties. The cost is $30 per bowl; supplies and paint are provided. When you paint a bowl, you’ll receive a free ticket to the event on November 2nd, and, at the bowl painting party, you can also purchase additional event tickets at a reduced price of $10. We have received a grant that will allow us to cover the cost of the bowls for anyone who needs that scholarship help! Please just Laura know of the need, and she will get you covered. This makes it possible to invite a friend along! OR maybe come to two parties!

We will have FOUR painting parties at St. Brigit:
Monday, August 12th at 3-5pm
Friday, August 16 at 5-7pm
Saturday, August 31 at 1-3.
Sunday, September 8 at 11:30-1:30

Please let Laura Lewis know which party(ies) you will attend or there are sign-up sheets in the church entry hall. Bring your check or cash with you to the party, and have an amazing time with friends and fellow parishioners!

This wonderful event reminds us that not everyone has food in their bowls.

Let’s Connect!

Please fill out the contact card so we can get our relationship started!

13 + 12 =

We are glad you stopped by!

Come see us in person for Sunday services at 9:30am or watch on Zoom!

You can also find us on YouTubeFacebook, and Instagram.